Why Website Page Speed is the Most Significant Factor to be in Competition?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
website page speed

When we browse the internet we love to see the information appear in our browser at high speed. We don't like waiting in real life or digital life. It is something so important that discipline has been created within the digital world called WPO – 'Web Performance Optimization'. It encompasses all those techniques, and processes that can be applied to each of the parties involved in a website, from the generation of information to its presentation in the user's browser with the aim of optimizing them, and thus obtaining the best speed of possible load. In other words, it is that when a user requests a web page they arrive in the shortest possible time, within a reasonable margin.

Why the loading speed of your website is so important?

We know that it is of great importance that your website has a fast loading speed. If a website takes a long time to load, your visits can get fed up, and go to the competition. Actually, this fact does matter, but there are more compelling reasons why the loading speed of your website should be as fast as possible. However, the website page loading speed should be optimized for three reasons –

  • If your website loads slowly, you will sell less than the competition. The users will leave. This will make your bounce rate lower.
  • If your website is fast, you will have more visitors.
  • If your website loads quickly, search engine spiders will track you more easily. Remember that these spiders spend a certain time searching.

The Loading Speed of Your Website Influences the Conversion

The conversion rate responds to the number of people who have performed the action you want on your website. Often, users wait to enter a website. It is important that you know, that if you dedicate yourself to online sales, you should pay close attention to this fact since if your website is slow, only 20% of your visits could perform purchase actions. Many studies confirm that a person does not wait more than 4 seconds for a web page to load completely. This is disastrous for your new visits because if your website has a slower load, the abandonment rate of your visits will be up. This is why you need to increase website speed.

Improve Website Speed

The Loading Speed of Your Website Influences the Bounce Rate

The first thing you should know is what the bounce rate on your website means. If you want you can take the help of Google Analytics to understand all these terms, and the importance of measuring what your visits are. Broadly speaking, the bounce rate of your website is those visits that enter and leave your website without interacting. In addition, a high percentage of your visits will reach you through mobile devices, smartphones or tablets. Therefore, your website page load speed must be also optimized for these types of devices. Your visits via mobile will only wait about 7 seconds to enter the web. Catch up with the new trends because smartphone usage grows at a dizzying pace, and if your mobile website has a very slow loading speed, you will be losing potential customers. Hire a good web development company, and work on speed up website.

The Loading Speed of Your Website Influences Indexability

As we have said before, search engine spiders spend a certain time in crawling the web. This is due to the resources, on limited occasions, used by search engine robots. You might think that your website is small and that this fact cannot affect you. But, if you generate a lot of content, search engines will not have time to track all the new pages you generate. Do not be overwhelmed by these facts because we are going to give you two tools so you can check the loading time of your website to improve website speed, and put a solution in case it is slow – Google Page Speed and Y-Slow from Yahoo.

Speed Up Website

Importance of Website Optimization

Optimization of a website focused on content. Measurement of the performance of a website page speed, and techniques to improve performance focused on the content offered by the website. Optimization of a website focused on the infrastructures used. Improvement techniques focused on all those elements involved in a website that are not content such as software technologies, their versions, type of web hosting and geographical location, use of CDN (Content Delivery Network), etc.

Abandonment Rate can be Avoided

It represents the percentage of users of a website who leave it without using the service offered or without buying in the case of a store. The number one factor that contributes to the abandonment of a website is the download speed of its pages. When we are going to buy something in a physical store we usually go to a specific store, or already have a generous time frame to find what we are looking for. The digital world is different, and when we want to buy something, we don’t waste time but want to finish the purchase now. If users have had a bad experience with a website, they will not return. So, focus on speed up website load time.

Increase Website Speed

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Friendly

Google and other search engines are considering the speed of loading pages of a website as one of the Ranking Factor for a website in search results. It is true that it is not the most important factor, but it should be borne in mind that if our website scores similarly to another competing website in many other aspects that search engines consider if our website is a little better in speed will be displayed before the other website. It may be a small factor, but it is a differentiating factor.

Conclusion: What can Affect the Loading Speed of Your Website?

The browser connection of your visit is a factor that can affect the loading time. The visitors' browser read the HTML and searches for external resources. The browser shows the page as you download the HTML. Now that you know the importance of the loading speed of your website, it is the moment when you start using tools to optimize your website. The advice we have given you is the user level. If you have any problem that you do not know how to solve with your web page, contact a professional to increase website loading speed.