Ultrafast Aimeos 2021.04 Has Been Released - What's New?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Aimeos 2021.04

As more and more people have started to transform their shop business pattern from traditional brick-mortar store to a well developed ecommerce stores, Aimeos has came up to be one of the most efficient ecommerce solution. Whether you are a start-up, mid-level business or a large enterprise, Aimeos 2021.04 is the ultra-fast, reliable and flexible platform to fulfil all your flexible requirements!

However, Continuous improvements, upgrades, security updates and many more minor upgrades are always require to remove inefficiencies, make it strong and to get good results.

So, are you curious to know what’s new in Aimeos 2021.04 release? Let’s dive in:

Well, the primary stable release of the Aimeos – Laravel ecommerce framework in 2021 contains some major improvements within the front-end and back-end also as few breaking changes compared to the last LTS version.

New admin backend incl. dark mode

The structure and design of the admin interface has been entirely reworked to resemble a contemporary, card based interface and includes tons of visual percept. Compared to backends of other shopping cart applications and ecommerce framework, this is often the foremost modern interface available!

Also a new admin backend included a cool new dark mode for people who select dark interfaces. It seems far more eye pleasing during the night. It can be activated by clicking on the moon symbol within the upper right corner and once activated; it'll be used during the entire browser session.

Aimeos 2021-04 Release

Experience the new dark mode of backend. Even if you discover the new admin backend is too colorful and if you prefer to match your company or enterprise or brand’s corporate identity, it’s super easy to adapt the theme now. All colors are defined using CSS variables so it can be changed easily with a couple of lines of code, e.g.


  body {
    --bs-primary: #f12711;
    --bs-primary-alt: #f5af19;

The admin dashboard has additional panels for a fast overview of orders and customers as you might have observed it. And therefore the change is compared to the last seven days.

Additionally, there’s a replacement panel for orders by countries including a world map to ascertain immediately where your customers are coming from. All panels are lazy loaded if you scroll right down to reduce the amount of requests.

Aimeos New Version

All the dashboard panels are now implemented using Chart.js rather than D3.js as a vital change. The new library is far easier to use; thanks to the chart types available out of the box which will be adapted by configuration rather than implementing own custom code and that they also produce smoother graphs.

RTL (Right To Left) Support

Rather than improvements, Aimeos has integrated support for right-to-left languages like Arabic, Hebrew and other languages which are written from right to left contrary to languages supported e.g. Latin which is written from left to right. Apart from this, it also includes placing of components, menus also as paddings and margins.

The front-end and back-end of Aimeos is automatically and fully replicated if a Right-To-Left language is chosen. You can try yourself by selecting Arabic within the language selector of the back-end or add Arabic to the available locales within the front-end. The remainder is now automatically done by Aimeos if you employ the newest templates.

Aimeos Upgrades

Full mobile optimization

In addition to the mobile optimizations in previous releases, all menus and therefore the small basket within the front-end are now implemented as off-screen menus. This ensures that even on very small mobile screens right down to 320px width, there’s always enough space for the content. Moreover, this adapts the planning patterns from mobile apps so Smartphone users might have an amazing experience.

Aimeos Ecommerce

Aimeos Laravel

Laravel Aimeos

Rule based dynamic pricing

Ecommerce store owners are now ready to change the costs for products dynamically e.g. by categories of the products. Although, it’s possible to vary prices for a gaggle of products within a limited period of your time and/or counting on the logged in customer without the necessity to make a replacement or adapt the prevailing prices. The new rule system of Aimeos is totally flexible and; Based on the rules, it allows to modify any product content like texts, images, label, etc.

Aimeos Ecommerce Development

Extensible CMS extension

Aimeos 2021.04 will offer content management capabilities for pages based on GrapeJS, a JavaScript CMS framework. The Aimeos content management extension available with Aimeos 2021.04 release. Contrary to CKEditor, the HTML editor used for product related and other texts, it’s a component based content editor offering building blocks like texts, headlines, images, paragraphs, grids, forms and many other building blocks. It’s a just like the editor utilized by WordPress 5.

As you might look forward from Aimeos, it can be fully extensible editor and add new components for your own purpose. Each block is defined by a couple of lines of HTML for the structure and therefore the JavaScript code to permit the editor to customize the component.

Aimeos Ecommerce Framework

Supplier detail component

In Aimeos 2021.04; a new supplier detail components is now available. It can offer you to provide your customers more details about your brands, manufacturers, procedures of the products. It would display all information you are entering for the supplier items within the admin backend including texts, images, and addresses. Furthermore, you can add a catalog list component to the page to list all products from the present supplier including pagination and sorting.

Ecommerce Development

Simplified configuration and breaking changes

At last, some breaking changes has been done compared to the 2020.10 LTS version to simplify working with Aimeos even more for ecommerce shop owners and developers like us. The foremost notable is that the configuration settings which contained “standard” in their config keys have been shortened and therefore the “standard” part is removed now:


// 2020.10 and before

// 2021.04 and later

The most important change for Aimeos developers is to the connection between the product domain and stock. Rather than product code, product ID is now utilized in all stock items to assign the stock level with product item. It can make easier experience for developers to manage stock level in the ecommerce marketplace.

Isn’t it amazing how Aimeos is making all the ways up to stay up to date with the newest trends and customers’ expectations? Aimeos 2021.04 is a fresh upgrade that could provide a super easy experience to the developers and ecommerce store owners! Not Limited to this, Aimeos will release its next updated version Aimeos 2021.07 and Aimeos 2021.10 LTS very soon.

Build ultrafast, scalable, and versatile ecommerce website with Aimeos. We now have a new feather in our cap and are proud to be recognized as the official partners of Aimeos. With proven Laravel expertise in building top-level ecommerce store using Aimeos, we guarantee a professional, full-featured & high-performance ecommerce website for you without any hassles!

Whether you are a start-up, or a existing ecommerce store owner, we can have your back by delivering Aimeos shopping cart solution including design, development, content management, customization, multi-tenant SaaS solution, multi-channel multi vendor marketplace, migration, upgrades and more.