What’s new in Aimeos 2021.10 Long Term Support Release?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Aimeos 2021.10 LTS

The Aimeos ecommerce platform is becoming now the most widely used platform for developing ultra-fast, full-featured ecommerce stores. The performance, customization, flexibility, and scalability are always the top priority for Aimeos. The team of Aimeos always go above and beyond for the improvements and enhancements together with Laravel, TYPO3 and Symfony.

After the release of ultrafast Aimeos 2021.04 and Aimeos 2021.07; The latest version of Aimeos 2021.10 is now available and known as a great milestone and Long-Term Support in modern ecommerce development.

The 2021.10 release of the Aimeos with long term support is accessible for Laravel, Symfony and TYPO3. It includes great small features mentioned by developers and clients to improve user experience, convenience for editors and security. Whether you are a retailer, developer, or an enterprise, it is always requiring staying up to date with the new features, improvements, and enhancements of Aimeos 2021.10.

Laravel 8 distribution and TYPO3 11

As Laravel 9 has been postponed to next year, Aimeos has updated its standalone shop distribution to Laravel 8. Till now, the Aimeos distribution was based on the Laravel 6 long term support for utmost stability. Aimeos has announced that they will upgrade to Laravel 9 long term support with the beginning of Aimeos 2022.4+ deliveries.

Besides this, the Aimeos Laravel is accessible for Laravel 8 since it was delivered and will be likewise accessible for Laravel 9 following its delivery.

The Aimeos TYPO3 extension is the most widely used extension for TYPO3 ecommerce platform. The new version of Aimeos 2021.10 Long Term Support Release is providing full support for TYPO3 11 and also the 1-click Aimeos TYPO3 distribution is accessible for TYPO3 11.5 LTS since its release. It has surprisingly outperformed tt_products this year as per the TER download numbers!

Aimeos 2021 10 Release

The Aimeos backend admin includes world maps in the client and provider (supplier) panels now, so editors can choose or refresh the directions of the addresses have a place with. Then, at that point, supplier coordinates are added to the item file to empower clients looking through item inside a given radius. The maps in the backend are produced by Leaflet.js and OpenStreetMap and can be utilized by anyone without any charges.

Price on Request

Aimeos 2021 10 LTS

Perhaps the frequently mentioned feature, particularly in the B2B region, is the capacity to request the items in the cart without showing a cost. Aimeos featured that cost is calculated by numerous factors and printed at the offer, or a deal sent to the buyer.

Now, in the event that editors add costs with empty values to items, the frontend will show "on request". Buyers can add those items to the cart and can finish the order as typical, however the items without a cost will be dealt with like having a cost of 0.00.

Blending items with a customary cost and items with costs "on request" is not an issue and the payment towards finishing the checkout process will be completed for the items at a regular cost only.

Support for Product Videos

Aimeos 2021 10 Version

The good news is The Aimeos 2021.10 release involves the support for product videos in MP4/WebM format also. You can upload at least one video in the item media panel of the administrator backend and a preview is produced consequently dependent on the video content.

The videos are displaying like regular item thumbnails in the inventory or catalog detail component of the HTML frontend however if users change to the video, it begins playing without sound automatically.

Advanced Backend Usability

Aimeos Developers

Now all media panels support uploading multiple files at once immediately while clicking on the “+” button and each file transfers will create a new card automatically. Previously, just the card was added you needed to upload the file for each card. Likewise, with the new release of Aimeos; cropping and scaling of uploaded images have been improved.

The new version of Aimeos 2021.10 added new enhancements like table and video support inside the texts. CKEditor 5 is being utilized for altering and styling of the text content part.

Custom Invoice Numbers

As a retailer, it is obvious that you may want to edit the invoice numbers for some reason; but that wasn’t possible before. Now, developers can register the custom functions for creating invoice numbers that are utilized in the HTML frontend, PDF document and e-mails, e.g.:


1use \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Standard as Order;
3Order::method('ordernumber', function (\Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order) {
4 return 'RE-'.date('Y').'-'.$order->getId();

Warehouse Management

Laravel Developers

For further development request and warehouse management in the Aimeos, there is an option of a new payment status for each ordered product. Accordingly, you would now be able to select items as discounted, refunded or utilized any other payment status.

The product section of the order detail panel has been modified in the newer version of Aimeos. It is completely responsive now, simple to use with mobile phones, tables and available with additional information. It is expected that in the Aimeos 2022.x variant, the order domain would have some greater changes.

SEPA QR-code and images in PDFs

Aimeos Development

The layout for the PDF appended to the payment related e-mails contains a QR-code for European IBAN payments. Mobile users whose bank supports scanning of these QR-codes can pay invoices in practically no time and 100% mistake free.

What's more, the PDF template likewise contains an example code on how to add a background image to the PDF documents. Then, at that point, companies can send order confirmations including PDFs that look precisely like their well-designed letter papers.

Strict Content Security Policy

A severe Content Security Policy has been carried out for the Aimeos backend and for the Laravel frontend beginning with Aimeos 2021.10 long term support. This successfully prevents Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) where foreign JavaScript code is executed with regards to the page stacked by the user’s browser, and which is a typical source of security occurrences.

This additionally implies that inline JavaScript in any format is overlooked by browsers and contents, scripts, CSS, images, videos, and more are just stacked from clear cut sources. To allow another URL for any of those objects, you need to overwrite the frontend or backend page template and add the URL there:

To allow JavaScript needed by payment gateways like Stripe, a "nonce" is accessible to check JS code inside script tags as trusted.

Aimeos 2021.10 Other Enhancements

Other security enhancements incorporate hardening against potential CSRF attacks and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images are presently cleaned when uploaded, so they don’t contain any JavaScript or external URLs.

It is now possible to translate all the error messages with placeholders from the core even those that are just logged in. Moreover, all log messages have been categorized to channel messages by their source adequately.

To wrap things up, the catalog detail component can be developed to return a HTTP 404 status instead of showing an error message that the item couldn't be found.

We are official international ecommerce expert partners of Aimeos.

We provide complete Aimeos ecommerce services including store design, development, customization, content management, upgrades, migration, multi-channel multi-vendor marketplace, multi-tenant SaaS (Software as a service) solutions, maintenance, and support. Our expert Laravel developers are experienced in handling multidisciplinary and multi-technology projects of all sizes. In case if you have any requirements, feel free to share all your requirements via request a quote form!