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Maklik te brûken widget foar tagonklikens foar webside

De All in One Accessibility® is in ark foar tagonklikens basearre op AI dat organisaasjes helpt om de tagonklikens en brûkberens fan websiden fluch te ferbetterjen. It is beskikber mei 70 plus funksjes, en beskikber yn ferskate plannen basearre op de grutte en sideviews fan 'e webside. It ferbettert webside WCAG neilibjen oant 40%. Dizze ynterface lit brûkers de tagonklikensfunksjes selektearje neffens har behoeften en de ynhâld besjen.

2-Minute ynstallaasje

All in One Accessibility® widget sil net mear as 2 minuten nimme om op jo webside yn te skeakeljen!

Ferbetteringen fan tagonklikens fan brûkers-triggered webside

Us widget foar tagonklikens foar webside is boud om de tagonklikens oant 40% te ferbetterjen neffens WCAG 2.0, 2.1, en 2.2-rjochtlinen.

Tagonklikheid ynskeakelje foar multisite / merkplak

All in One Accessibility® wurdt stipe mei multisite- of merkwebsides en subdomeinen mei in bedriuwsplan as apart plan foar elk domein en subdomein.

Kom oerien mei it uterlik en gefoel fan jo webside

Pas de kleur, ikoantype, ikoangrutte, posysje en oanpaste tagonklikensferklearring fan 'e widget oan neffens it uterlik en gefoel fan jo webside.

Better brûkersûnderfining = Better SEO

Tagonklike websiden jouwe in geweldige brûkersûnderfining dy't liedt ta in hege belutsenens op 'e side. Dit is de wichtichste faktor dy't sykmasines rekken hâlde by it rangearjen fan websiden.

Webside tagonklikens foar minsken mei in beheining

It kin de berikberens fan jo webside ferbetterje foar minsken dy't blyn binne, gehoar- of fisybeheind, motorysk beheind, kleurblyn, dysleksy, kognitive en learbeheinde, oanfallen en epileptyske, en ADHD-problemen.

Fergrutsje de kâns om in breder publyk te berikken

D'r binne wrâldwiid sawat 1,3 miljard folwoeksenen dy't mei in beheining libje. Mei help fan de webside tagonklikens widget kin de webside ynhâld tagonklik wêze ûnder in breder publyk.

Dashboard Add-ons & Upgrades

All in One Accessibility® biedt tafoegings as in tsjinst, ynklusyf hânmjittige tagonklikheidskontrôle, hânmjittige tagonklikenssanearring, PDF/dokumint Tagonklikheidsanearring, VPAT-rapport / berikberenskonformiteitsrapport (ACR), White Label en oanpaste branding, Live-webside-oersettingen, Tagonklikensmenu wizigje, Untwerpberikberenskontrôle, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit, Accessibility Widget Bundle, All in One Accessibility Monitor tafoegings, en upgrades.

Ferbetterje online ynklúzje

It stelt bedriuwen yn steat om diel te nimmen oan wrâldwide ynspanningen om online ynklúzje te ferbetterjen.

All in One Accessibility® Priis

Alle plannen omfetsje: 70+ funksjes, 140+ talen stipe

The Key Features

Enhancing your website accessibility while offering a user experience is simpler than you may think.
Leverage the suite of All in One Accessibility's automated solutions to expedite the process without sacrificing quality.

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

9 Accessibility profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Screen Reader

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

screen reader

Voice Navigation

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

voice navigation

Talk & Type

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

talk & type

Libras (Brazilian Portuguese only)

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.


140+ Supported Languages

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

140+ available languages

9 Accessibility Profiles

9 Accessibility Profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

9 Accessibility Profiles

Image Alt Text Remediation

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

Image Alt Text Remediation

Smart Language and Voice Customization

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.
smart language and voice customization

Virtual Keyboard

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

virtual keyboard

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Accessibility Add-Ons

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

Accessibility Add-Ons

Customize widget colors

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Customize widget colors

Custom Mobile/Desktop Icon Size

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Custom Widget Size

Custom Widget Position

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Customize widget colors

Custom Widget Icon

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

Customize widget colors

Color & Contrast Adjustments

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

Color & Contrast Adjustments

Is jo side by rjochtsaak Risk?

In rappe en fergese scan sil jo oertredings sjen litte dy't jo iepen kinne litte foar rjochtsaken.

All in One Accessibility biedt 70+ funksjes!

  • Lês Page
  • Reading Mask
  • Lês Mode
  • Lêsgids
Skip keppelings
  • Oerslaan nei Menu
  • Gean oer nei ynhâld
  • Oerslaan nei Footer
  • Iepen tagonklikens arkbalke
Ynhâld Oanpassingen
  • Ynhâld skaalfergrutting
  • Dyslexia Font
  • Lêsbere lettertypen
  • Highlight Titel
  • Highlight Links
  • Tekst Magnifier
  • Font Sizing oanpasse
  • Adjust Line Height
  • Oanpasse Letter Spacing
  • Align Center
  • Align Links
  • Rjochts goed
Kleur en kontrast Oanpassingen
  • Heech kontrast
  • Smart kontrast
  • Dûnker kontrast
  • Monochroom
  • Ljocht Kontrast
  • Hege sêding
  • Lege sêding
  • Invert Colors
  • Oanpasse tekstkleur
  • Oanpasse titelkleur
  • Ferstel eftergrûnkleur
  • Prate & Type
  • Stim Navigaasje
  • Meartalige (140+ talen)
  • Libras (allinich Braziliaansk Portugeesk)
  • Tagonklikheid Statement
  • Wurdboek
  • Firtuele toetseboerd
  • Hide ynterface
  • Auto-detectaal
Oriïntaasje Oanpassingen
  • Stomme lûden
  • Hide ôfbyldings
  • Stopje Animation
  • Highlight Hover
  • Highlight Focus
  • Grutte Swarte Cursor
  • Grutte Wite Cursor
  • Filterynhâld
Kleur Blindens
  • Protanomaly,
  • Deuteranomaly
  • Tritanomaly
  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia
  • Achromatomaly
  • Achromatopsia
Opsjoneel betelle tafoegings
  • Hânlieding Accessibility Audit Report
  • Hânlieding Tagonklikheid Remediation
  • PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation
  • VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)
  • White Label en Custom Branding
  • Live webside oersettingen
  • Feroarje tagonklikensmenu
  • Design Tagonklikheid Audit
  • Native Mobile App Tagonklikheid Audit
  • Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit
  • Tagonklikheid Score
  • AI-basearre Automated Image Alt Text Remediation
  • Hânlieding Image Alt Text Remediation troch webside-eigner
  • Automatisearre tagonklikens neilibjen rapport
  • Ferstel widgetgrutte
  • Oanpaste widgetkleuren
  • Krekte Widget Posysje
  • Precise Widget Icon Size foar buroblêd
  • Krekte widget-ikoangrutte foar mobyl
  • 29 Ferskillende tagonklikens Ikoan Soarten
  • Set Default Language
  • Selektearje Screen Reader Voice
Selektearje Screen Reader Voice
  • Bline
  • Motor beheind
  • Visueel beheind
  • Kleur Blind
  • Dysleksy
  • Kognityf & Learje
  • Oanfal & Epileptysk
  • ADHD
  • Âlderein
Analytics Tracking
  • Google Analytics Tracking
  • Adobe Analytics Tracking

Sykje jo nei in ADA-oplossing foar webberikberens of in sanearring foar manuele tagonklikens?

Fersyk a Sitearje

Sit gjin soargen oer jo webside’s
feiligens en brûker hat privacy

Wy binne in ISO 9001:2015 en 27001:2013 bedriuw. As lid fan W3C en de International Association fan Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), wy tapasse de bêste yndustry praktiken en noarmen foar sawol – feiligens fan 'e webside as privacy fan brûkers.

Hjir is wat ús kliïnten tinke!

App tsjinnet syn doel goed en hat alle tagonklikens dy't men nedich is. Lykwols, dêr wie ien lytse glitch dêr't it team wie echt fluch om te reagearjen en oplosse.

peelaway thumbnail
peelaway thumbnail

Prachtige app! Geweldich foar winkels fan alle grutte. Maklik te ynstallearjen. Ik hie wat nedich dat biedt global neilibjen tsjin in ridlike priis foar grutte winkels. It foldocht oan al myn behoeften.

omnilux thumbnail
omnilux thumbnail

All in One Accessibility® hat west geweldich. Se wiene tige behelpsum doe't ik hie fragen oer it opsetten fan de app. Se e-poste my om te soargjen dat ik folslein wie tefreden.

ambiance thumbnail
ambiance thumbnail

Se hawwe geweldige snelle reaksjes fan klanttsjinst dy't it echt leuk fûnen

tapsplus thumbnail
tapsplus thumbnail

Mi web es una empresa de selección de personal digital, HUMANA selección de personal, y necesitaba que fuera accesible para cualquier candidato o empresa. La app All in One Accesibility cumple perfectamente...

humana thumbnail
Humana Selección de Personal
humana thumbnail

Ferbetterje webside Tagonklikheid Journey mei All in One Accessibility®!

Us libben swalket no om it ynternet. Stúdzjes, nijs, boadskippen, bankieren, en wat net, alles lytse en grutte easken wurde foldien fia it ynternet. Der binne lykwols sa'n bytsje minsken mei wat fysike beheining dy't hinderet harren en bliuwe ûntnommen fan dizze krityske tsjinsten en ynformaasje. Oan All in One Accessibility®, wy bringe in oanpak om webside te ferbetterjen ynhâld tagonklikens ûnder minsken mei in beheining.

Begjin Free Trial

How to purchase All in One Accessibility®

Wat is de needsaak foar webberikberens?

Webberikberens is in wetlike ferplichting feroarsake troch alle oerheden, ynklusyf de FS, Kanada, UK Jeropeeske Uny, Austraalje, Israel, Brazylje en oare lannen. Boppedat is it etysk om te hawwen tagonklike websiden sadat de measte brûkers it web sûnder problemen kinne besjen. In protte lêste wetten hawwe troch ferskate oerheden trochjûn om in ynklusyf web te meitsjen en autoriteiten binne stranger wurden as ea. Sa, om rjochtsaken te foarkommen en moreel oprjocht wurk te dwaan, is it foldwaan oan tagonklikens wichtich.


Ja, wy biede 10% koarting foar Seksje 501 (c) (3) non-profit organisaasjes. Brûk coupon code NGO10 op it momint fan checkout. Rikke út [email protected] foar mear ynformaasje.

Yn fergese proefferzje soene jo tagong krije ta alle funksjes.

Ja, as de standerttaal fan jo webside Spaansk is, is de voice-over standert yn 'e Spaanske taal!

Jo moatte ofwol bedriuwsplan as multiwebsideplan keapje foar de subdomeinen / domeinen. As alternatyf kinne jo in apart yndividueel plan keapje foar elk domein en subdomein.

Wy jouwe flugge stipe. Graach kontakt opnimme [email protected].

Ja, it omfettet Braziliaanske gebeartetaal - Libras.

Add-on Live Site Oersetting fertaalt webside yn mear as 140 talen en it makket tagonklik foar net-memmetaal Ingelsktaligen, minsken mei taalwinning swierrichheden, en minsken mei learhandikap.

D'r binne trije plannen basearre op webside # siden:

  • Likernôch 200 siden: $ 50 / moanne.
  • Likernôch 1000 siden: $ 200 / moanne.
  • Likernôch 2000 siden: $ 350 / moanne.

Ja, fan it dashboard, ûnder widget-ynstellingen, kinne jo de URL fan 'e side-URL fan' e oanpaste berikberensferklearring feroarje.

Ja, AI-ôfbylding alt-tekst-sanearring herstelt automatysk ôfbyldings en ôfwikseljend kin webside-eigner feroarje / tafoegje ôfbylding alternative-tekst fan All in One Accessibility® Dashboard

It ferbettert webside tagonklikens ûnder minsken dy't blyn, gehoar of fyzje beheind, motor beheind, kleur blyn, dysleksy, kognitive & amp; learen beheind, seizures en epileptyske, en ADHD problemen.

Nee, All in One Accessibility® sammelet gjin persoanlik identifisearbere ynformaasje of gedrachsgegevens fan websiden of besikers. Sjoch ús privacy belied hjir.

All in One Accessibility omfetsje AI-ôfbylding alt-tekst-sanearring om fisueel beheinden te helpen by objektidentifikaasje, en AI-basearre tekst nei spraak skermlêzer foar yndividuen mei leech fyzje.

It platfoarm All in One Accessibility prioriteart privacy en gegevensfeiligens fan brûkers. It hâldt him oan strikte privacyrjochtlinen, brûkt fersifering en anonymisaasjetechniken om persoanlike ynformaasje fan brûkers te beskermjen. Brûkers hawwe kontrôle oer har gegevens en kinne har yn- of ôfmelde foar gegevenssammeling en -ferwurking neffens har foarkar.

Nee, elk domein en subdomein fereasket it keapjen fan aparte lisinsje. En jo kinne ek keapje multi-domein lisinsje fan multisite plan.

Ja, wy biede Affiliateprogramma All in One Accessibility. wêr't jo kommisjes kinne fertsjinje op ferkeap makke fia ferwizingslink. It is in geweldige kâns om tagonklikensoplossingen te befoarderjen en te fertsjinjen. Oanmelde fan hjir.

De Partnerprogramma All in One Accessibility platfoarm is foar CMS-, CRM-, LMS-platfoarms, e-commerce-platfoarms en websidebouwers dy't de All in One Accessibility-widget wolle yntegrearje as in ynboude funksje foar brûkers.

D'r is gjin ynboude ynstelling om de driuwende widget te ferbergjen. Sadree't jo in oankeap meitsje, berikke foar fergese oanpassing fan driuwende widgets [email protected].

Ja, om de branding fan Skynet Technologies te ferwiderjen, keapje freonlik White Label-tafoeging fan it dashboard.

Ja, wy leverje 10% koarting foar mear dan 5 websiden. Rikke út [email protected]

Ynstallaasjeproses is frij rjocht foarút, soe gewoan sawat 2 minuten duorje. Wy hawwe stap wize ynstruksje hantlieding en fideo's en noch as nedich, berikke foar de ynstallaasje / yntegraasje assistinsje.

Mei yngong fan july 2024, All in One Accessibility® app is beskikber op 47 platfoarms, mar it stipet alle CMS, LMS, CRM, en Ecommerce Platforms.

Ja, wy kinne jo helpe mei it herstel fan PDF en dokuminten tagonklikens, Reach out [email protected] foar offerte of fierdere ynformaasje.

Ja, d'r is in add-on "Tagonklikensmenu oanpasse". Jo kinne de widgetknoppen opnij oarderje, fuortsmite en werstrukturearje om te passen oan 'e spesifike tagonklikheidseasken fan webside-brûkers.

Betelje kennisbasis en All in One Accessibility® Funksjes gids. As ekstra ynformaasje nedich is, nim dan kontakt op [email protected].

  • Super kosten-effektyf
  • 2 Minuten ynstallaasje
  • 140+ Stipe meardere talen
  • De measte beskikberens fan platfoarm yntegraasje app
  • flugge stipe


AI-technology binnen it All in One Accessibility-platfoarm ferbettert de tagonklikens troch it leverjen fan yntelliginte oplossingen lykas spraakherkenning, foarsizzende tekstynfier, en personaliseare assistinsje ôfstimd op yndividuele brûkersbehoeften.

Neidat jo jo multisite All in One Accessibility lisinsje hawwe kocht, moatte jo kontakt opnimme mei [email protected] en lit ús witte ûntwikkeling of staging webside URL en wy kinne it foar jo tafoegje sûnder ekstra kosten.

Jo kinne oanfreegje foar it All in One Accessibility Agency Partner programma troch it ynfoljen fan de buro partner oanfraachformulier.

Jo kinne All in One Accessibility befoarderje fia blogposten, sosjale media, e-postmarketing en oare online kanalen. It programma biedt jo boarnen foar merkmarketing en in unike affiliate-keppeling.

Yntroduksje All in One Accessibility®