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Ib qho yooj yim-rau-Siv Lub Vev Xaib Accessibility Widget

Tag All in One Accessibility® yog AI raws li cov cuab yeej siv tau yooj yim uas pab cov koom haum txhim kho kev nkag mus tau thiab siv tau ntawm cov vev xaib sai. Nws muaj nyob nrog 70 ntxiv nta, thiab muaj nyob rau hauv cov phiaj xwm sib txawv raws li qhov loj me thiab nplooj saib ntawm lub vev xaib. Nws txhim kho lub vev xaib WCAG ua raws li 40%. Qhov no interface tso cai rau cov neeg siv xaiv cov kev nkag tau yooj yim raws li lawv xav tau thiab saib cov ntsiab lus.

2-feeb installation

All in One Accessibility® widget yuav tsis siv sijhawm ntau dua 2 feeb los pab rau koj lub vev xaib!

Cov neeg siv ua rau lub vev xaib nkag mus tau zoo dua

Peb lub vev xaib nkag mus tau widget yog tsim los txhim kho kev nkag mus txog 40% raws li WCAG 2.0, 2.1, thiab 2.2 cov lus qhia.

Accessibility enablement rau multisite/marketplace

All in One Accessibility® tau txais kev txhawb nqa nrog ntau lub vev xaib lossis chaw lag luam cov vev xaib thiab subdomains nrog cov phiaj xwm kev lag luam lossis cov phiaj xwm cais rau txhua tus sau npe thiab subdomain.

Ua ke nrog koj lub vev xaib saib thiab xav

Customize tus widget xim, hom icon, icon loj, txoj hauj lwm, thiab kev cai nkag mus tau raws li koj lub vev xaib saib thiab xav.

Cov neeg siv kev paub zoo dua = Zoo dua SEO

Cov vev xaib siv tau muab cov kev paub zoo rau cov neeg siv uas ua rau muaj kev koom tes siab ntawm qhov chaw. Qhov no yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws uas cov cav tshawb fawb tau coj mus rau hauv tus account thaum qeb cov vev xaib.

Kev nkag tau rau lub vev xaib rau cov neeg tsis taus

Nws tuaj yeem txhim kho kev nkag mus ntawm koj lub vev xaib rau cov neeg dig muag, hnov ​​​​lus lossis tsis pom kev, lub cev tsis muaj zog, tsis pom kev xim, dyslexia, kev txawj ntse & kev kawm tsis zoo, qaug dab peg thiab mob vwm, thiab ADHD teeb meem.

Ua kom lub sijhawm kom ncav cuag cov neeg tuaj saib dav dua

Muaj kwv yees li 1.3 billion tus neeg laus nyob nrog kev tsis taus thoob ntiaj teb. Nrog kev pab ntawm lub vev xaib nkag tau widget, cov ntsiab lus hauv lub vev xaib tuaj yeem nkag mus tau ntawm cov neeg tuaj saib dav dua.

Dashboard Ntxiv-Ons & Txhim kho

Tag All in One Accessibility® muaj cov add-ons ua ib qho kev pabcuam suav nrog Kev Tshawb Fawb Txog Kev Nkag Mus Nkag, Kev Siv Tau Txais Kev Pabcuam Kev Siv, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit, Accessibility Widget Bundle, All in One Accessibility Monitor add-ons, thiab hloov kho dua tshiab.

Txhim kho kev suav nrog online

Nws ua rau cov lag luam koom nrog hauv ntiaj teb kev siv zog los txhim kho kev koom nrog hauv online.

All in One Accessibility® Nqe

Tag nrho cov phiaj xwm suav nrog: 70+ nta, 140+ hom lus txhawb nqa

The Key Features

Enhancing your website accessibility while offering a user experience is simpler than you may think.
Leverage the suite of All in One Accessibility's automated solutions to expedite the process without sacrificing quality.

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

9 Accessibility profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Screen Reader

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

screen reader

Voice Navigation

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

voice navigation

Talk & Type

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

talk & type

Libras (Brazilian Portuguese only)

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.


140+ Supported Languages

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

140+ available languages

9 Accessibility Profiles

9 Accessibility Profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

9 Accessibility Profiles

Image Alt Text Remediation

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

Image Alt Text Remediation

Smart Language and Voice Customization

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.
smart language and voice customization

Virtual Keyboard

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

virtual keyboard

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Accessibility Add-Ons

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

Accessibility Add-Ons

Customize widget colors

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Customize widget colors

Custom Mobile/Desktop Icon Size

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Custom Widget Size

Custom Widget Position

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Customize widget colors

Custom Widget Icon

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

Customize widget colors

Color & Contrast Adjustments

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

Color & Contrast Adjustments

Puas yog koj lub vev xaib raug foob Risk?

Kev tshuaj ntsuam sai thiab dawb yuav qhia koj ua txhaum cai uas tuaj yeem ua rau koj qhib rau kev foob.

All in One Accessibility muaj 70+ nta!

Screen nyeem ntawv
  • Nyeem Nplooj
  • Nyeem Ntawv Mask
  • Nyeem hom
  • Nyeem Ntawv Qhia
Hla kev txuas
  • Hla mus rau ntawv qhia zaub mov
  • Hla mus rau Cov Ntsiab Lus
  • Hla mus rau hauv qab
  • Qhib Accessibility Toolbar
Kev kho cov ntsiab lus
  • Cov ntsiab lus Scaling
  • Dyslexia Font
  • Nyeem tau Fonts
  • Highlight Title
  • Highlight Links
  • Text Magnifier
  • Kho Font Sizing
  • Kho kab qhov siab
  • Kho Tsab Ntawv Spacing
  • Align Center
  • Kho sab laug
  • Align Txoj Cai
Xim thiab qhov sib piv hloov
  • Siab zoo
  • Ntse qhov sib txawv
  • Tsaus Contrast
  • Monochrome
  • Teeb pom kev zoo
  • Siab Saturation
  • Tsawg Saturation
  • Hloov Xim
  • Kho Xim Xim
  • Kho lub npe xim
  • Kho xim tom qab
Lwm yam / Lwm yam
  • Tham & Hom
  • Suab Navigation
  • Ntau hom lus (140+ hom lus)
  • Libras (Brazilian Portuguese nkaus xwb)
  • Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Siv Tau
  • Phau ntawv txhais lus
  • Virtual Keyboard
  • Nkaum Interface
  • Auto-Detect Language
Kev Hloov Kho Kev Taw Qhia
  • Suab nrov
  • Nkaum duab
  • Nres Animation
  • Highlight Hover
  • Ua kom pom tseeb
  • Loj Dub Cursor
  • Loj Dawb Cursor
  • Lim Cov ntsiab lus
Xim dig muag
  • Protanomaly,
  • Deuteranomaly
  • Tritanomaly
  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia
  • Achromatomaly
  • Achromatopsia
Optional Them Nyiaj Ntxiv-Ons
  • Manual Accessibility Audit Report
  • Phau Ntawv Qhia Kev Siv Tau Zoo
  • PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation
  • VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)
  • Dawb Label thiab Custom Branding
  • Kev txhais lub Vev Xaib nyob
  • Hloov Kho Cov Ntawv Qhia Kev Siv Tau
  • Design Accessibility Audit
  • Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit
  • Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit
  • Cov qhab nias nkag
  • AI-based Automated Image Alt Text Remediation
  • Manual Image Alt Text Remediation los ntawm Tus Tswv Lub Vev Xaib
  • Automated Accessibility Compliance Report
  • Kho Widget Loj
  • Kev cai Widget Xim
  • Precise Widget Position
  • Precise Widget Icon Loj rau Desktop
  • Precise Widget Icon Loj rau Txawb
  • 29 Ntau Yam Kev Nkag Mus Nkag Icon Hom
  • Teem hom lus
  • Xaiv Screen Reader Suab
Accessibility Profiles
  • dig muag
  • Lub cev muaj zog
  • Visually Impaired
  • Xim dig muag
  • Dyslexia
  • Kev Paub & Kev Kawm
  • Seizure & Epileptic
  • ADHD
  • Cov laus
Kev Tshawb Fawb Kev Tshawb Fawb
  • Google Analytics taug qab
  • Adobe Analytics taug qab

Puas yog koj tab tom nrhiav kev lag luam ADA lub vev xaib kev nkag mus tau yooj yim lossis kev kho kom yooj yim siv phau ntawv?

Thov ib daim Quote

Tsis txhob txhawj txog koj lub vev xaib
kev nyab xeeb thiab tus neeg siv tus kheej

Peb yog ib lub tuam txhab ISO 9001: 2015 thiab 27001: 2013. Raws li ib tug tswv cuab ntawm W3C thiab International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), peb tab tom siv cov kev lag luam zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov qauv rau ob qho tib si - kev ruaj ntseg ntawm lub vev xaib thiab kev ceev ntiag tug ntawm cov neeg siv.

Cov lus pov thawj
Nov yog qhov peb cov neeg siv khoom xav!

App ua haujlwm rau nws lub hom phiaj zoo thiab muaj tag nrho cov kev siv tau yooj yim uas yuav xav tau. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj ib qho teeb meem me me uas pab pawg tau nrawm heev los teb thiab daws.

peelaway thumbnail
peelaway thumbnail

Zoo heev App! Zoo heev rau txhua lub khw muag khoom loj. Yooj yim rau nruab. xav tau ib yam dab tsi uas muaj kev ua raws li thoob ntiaj teb ntawm tus nqi tsim nyog rau cov khw muag khoom loj. Nws ua tau raws li kuv xav tau.

omnilux thumbnail
omnilux thumbnail

All in One Accessibility® tau zoo heev. Lawv pab tau zoo heev thaum kuv muaj lus nug txog kev teeb tsa lub app. Lawv xa email rau kuv kom paub tseeb tias kuv txaus siab tag nrho.

ambiance thumbnail
ambiance thumbnail

Lawv muaj kev pabcuam zoo rau cov neeg siv khoom ceev teb tiag tiag nyiam nws ua tsaug

tapsplus thumbnail
tapsplus thumbnail

Mi web es una empresa de selección de personal digital, HUMANA selección de tus kheej, y necesitaba que fuera accesible para cualquier candidato o empresa. La app All in One Accesibility cumple perfectamente...

humana thumbnail
Humana Selección de Personal
humana thumbnail

Txhim kho Lub Vev Xaib Kev Nkag Mus Nkag Nrog All in One Accessibility®!

Peb lub neej tab tom mus ncig hauv internet tam sim no. Kev kawm, xov xwm, khoom noj khoom haus, txhab nyiaj, thiab dab tsi, txhua qhov kev xav tau me me thiab loj tau ua tiav hauv Internet. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj ntau tus neeg uas muaj qee qhov kev tsis taus ntawm lub cev uas cuam tshuam lawv thiab tseem tsis tau txais cov kev pabcuam tseem ceeb thiab cov ntaub ntawv no. Nrog All in One Accessibility®,peb tab tom coj txoj hauv kev los txhim kho lub vev xaib cov ntsiab lus nkag mus rau cov neeg tsis taus.

Pib sim dawb

How to purchase All in One Accessibility®

Dab tsi yog qhov xav tau rau kev nkag mus rau lub vev xaib?

Kev nkag mus tau hauv lub vev xaib yog lub luag haujlwm raug cai los ntawm tsoomfwv suav nrog Asmeskas, Canada, UK, European Union, Australia, Israel, Brazil, thiab lwm lub tebchaws. Ntxiv mus, nws yog kev coj ncaj ncees kom muaj cov vev xaib nkag tau kom cov neeg siv feem ntau tuaj yeem siv lub vev xaib yam tsis muaj teeb meem. Ntau cov kev cai lij choj tshiab tau dhau los ntawm tsoomfwv txawv tebchaws los tsim lub vev xaib suav nrog thiab cov tub ceev xwm tau nruj dua li qub. Yog li, txhawm rau zam kev foob thiab ua haujlwm ncaj ncees, ua raws li kev nkag mus tau yog qhov tseem ceeb.


Yog lawm, Peb muab 10% luv nqi rau Tshooj 501(c)(3) cov koom haum tsis muaj txiaj ntsig. Siv daim coupon code NGO10 thaum lub sijhawm them nyiaj. ncav tes tawm [email protected] yog xav paub ntxiv.

Hauv kev sim dawb, koj yuav nkag mus rau tag nrho cov yam ntxwv.

Yog lawm, yog tias koj lub vev xaib lub vev xaib yog lus Spanish, los ntawm lub neej ntawd lub suab dhau los yog lus Spanish!

Koj yuav tsum tau yuav cov phiaj xwm kev lag luam lossis ntau lub vev xaib phiaj xwm rau subdomains / domains. Hloov pauv, koj tuaj yeem yuav cov phiaj xwm sib cais rau txhua tus sau npe thiab subdomain.

Peb muab kev txhawb nqa ceev. Thov cuag [email protected].

Yog lawm, Nws suav nrog Cov Lus Qhia Brazilian - Libras.

Live Site Translation add-on txhais lub vev xaib ua 140+ hom lus thiab nws ua rau nkag mus rau cov neeg tsis paub lus Askiv, cov neeg muaj teeb meem nrhiav tau lus, thiab cov neeg muaj kev tsis taus.

Muaj peb txoj kev npaj raws li lub vev xaib # nplooj ntawv:

  • Kwv yees li 200 nplooj ntawv: $ 50 / hli.
  • Kwv yees li 1000 nplooj ntawv: $200 / hli.
  • Kwv yees li 2000 nplooj ntawv: $350 / hli.

Yog lawm, Los ntawm dashboard, nyob rau hauv qhov chaw widget, koj tuaj yeem hloov pauv kev cai nkag mus rau nplooj ntawv URL.

Yog lawm, AI duab alt-ntawv kho kho tau txais cov duab kho dua tshiab thiab hloov pauv tus tswv lub vev xaib tuaj yeem hloov / ntxiv cov duab lwm qhov-ntawv los ntawm All in One Accessibility® Dashboard

Nws txhim kho lub vev xaib nkag mus rau cov neeg dig muag, hnov ​​​​lus lossis tsis pom kev, lub cev tsis muaj zog, tsis pom kev xim, dyslexia, kev paub & amp; kev kawm tsis taus, qaug dab peg thiab qaug dab peg, thiab ADHD teeb meem.

Tsis yog, All in One Accessibility® tsis sau cov ntaub ntawv txheeb xyuas tus kheej lossis cov ntaub ntawv coj tus cwj pwm los ntawm cov vev xaib lossis cov neeg tuaj saib. Saib peb txoj cai ntiag tug ntawm no.

All in One Accessibility suav nrog AI duab alt ntawv kho kho kom pab cuam qhov muag tsis pom kev hauv kev txheeb xyuas cov khoom, thiab AI raws li cov ntawv nyeem rau kev hais lus tshuaj ntsuam rau cov neeg tsis pom kev.

Lub All in One Accessibility platform tseem ceeb rau cov neeg siv kev ceev ntiag tug thiab cov ntaub ntawv kev nyab xeeb. Nws ua raws li cov txheej txheem kev ceev ntiag tug nruj, ntiav encryption thiab anonymization cov txheej txheem los tiv thaiv cov neeg siv cov ntaub ntawv tus kheej. Cov neeg siv tau tswj hwm lawv cov ntaub ntawv thiab tuaj yeem xaiv los yog xaiv tawm ntawm cov ntaub ntawv sau thiab ua tiav raws li lawv nyiam.

Tsis yog, Txhua tus sau npe thiab subdomain yuav tsum tau yuav daim ntawv tso cai sib cais. Thiab koj tuaj yeem yuav ntau daim ntawv tso cai los ntawm ntau qhov phiaj xwm.

Yog, peb muab All in One Accessibility Affiliate Program qhov twg koj tuaj yeem khwv tau nyiaj tau los ntawm kev muag khoom los ntawm kev xa mus txuas. Nws yog lub sijhawm zoo los txhawb cov kev daws teeb meem yooj yim thiab khwv tau. Sau npe los ntawmntawm no.

The All in One Accessibility platform khub kev pab cuam yog rau CMS, CRM, LMS platforms, ecommerce platforms, thiab cov neeg tsim lub vev xaib uas xav koom ua ke All in One Accessibility widget ua ib qho kev tsim ua rau cov neeg siv.

Tsis muaj qhov teeb tsa built-in los nkaum cov widget ntab. Thaum koj ua ib qho kev yuav khoom, rau floating widget dawb customization, ncav cuag[email protected].

Yog lawm, Yuav kom tshem tawm Skynet Technologies branding, ua siab zoo yuav White Label add-on los ntawm dashboard.

Yog lawm, peb muab 10% luv nqi rau ntau tshaj 5 lub vev xaib. ncav tes tawm[email protected]

Cov txheej txheem installation yog zoo nkauj ncaj nraim, yuav siv li 2 feeb xwb. Peb muaj cov kauj ruam cov lus qhia thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab tseem yog tias xav tau, ncav cuag kev pab cuam installation / kev koom ua ke.

Raws li thaum Lub Xya Hli 2024, All in One Accessibility® app muaj nyob rau ntawm 47 platforms tab sis nws txhawb nqa txhua CMS, LMS, CRM, thiab Ecommerce Platforms.

Yog lawm, peb tuaj yeem pab koj nrog PDF thiab cov ntaub ntawv kho kom haum xeeb, ncav cuag [email protected] rau nqe lus los yog lus qhia ntxiv.

Yog lawm, muaj "Modify Accessibility Menu" add-on. Koj tuaj yeem rov xaj dua, tshem tawm, thiab rov tsim kho cov nyees khawm widget kom haum rau cov neeg siv lub vev xaib cov kev xav tau tshwj xeeb rau kev nkag mus tau yooj yim.

Tshawb xyuas Paub Base thiab All in One Accessibility® Daim ntawv qhia nta. Yog xav paub ntxiv, thov hu rau [email protected].

  • Super nqi-zoo
  • 2 feeb installation
  • 140+ Txhawb ntau hom lus
  • Feem ntau ntawm platform kev sib koom ua ke app muaj
  • Kev them nyiaj yug ceev


AI thev naus laus zis nyob rau hauv All in One Accessibility platform txhim kho kev nkag mus tau los ntawm kev muab cov kev daws teeb meem ntse xws li kev paub hais lus, kev nkag siab cov ntawv nyeem, thiab kev pabcuam tus kheej raws li tus neeg siv xav tau.

Tom qab koj tau yuav koj daim ntawv tso cai Multisite All in One Accessibility, koj yuav tsum ncav cuag [email protected] thiab qhia rau peb paub txog kev txhim kho lossis staging lub vev xaib URL thiab peb tuaj yeem ntxiv nws rau koj yam tsis muaj nqi ntxiv.

Koj tuaj yeem thov rau All in One Accessibility Agency Partner Program los ntawm kev sau cov ntawv Daim ntawv thov kev koom tes nrog koom haum.

Koj tuaj yeem txhawb nqa All in One Accessibility los ntawm blog posts, social media, email marketing, thiab lwm yam hauv online. Qhov kev pab cuam muab rau koj nrog cov khoom lag luam lag luam thiab ib qho kev sib txuas tshwj xeeb.

Introducing All in One Accessibility®