Ecommerce UX Best Practices to Escalate Your Sales!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ecommerce UX best practices

Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it; do you agree with this thought?

Well, this is so true! Your efforts will be in vain if your target audience won’t be using or liking your designs.

A good or bad design of an ecommerce store directly impacts the user experience. Thus, user experience (UX) is one of the most important factors behind successful ecommerce.

If it is influencing your sales and profits, then don’t you think, you must pay attention to improving the UX of your ecommerce website? Just like focusing on customer acquisition, give priority to UX as well. Moreover, you may acquire new customers using marketing strategies, but to retain them, you need to provide them with a seamless experience by following ecommerce UX best practices.

A bad UX may lead to very less or no conversions, which means no sales. So, if you wish to boost your sales, work on improving the user experience of your ecommerce website.

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Best Ecommerce UX Best Practices

1. Homepage must be clean and clear

Ecommerce UX Best Practices

If you want to create a good first impression on your users, the homepage of your ecommerce website should be comprehensive.

The homepage usually has maximum traffic as compared to other pages of the website. Therefore, it should be uncluttered with a clear purpose.

To make your homepage impressive, use a minimal design, emphasize on important and latest things, go for a consistent colour scheme, put high-quality images, don’t overstuff it, etc. are some of the proven tips that make your ecommerce homepage attractive and grab users’ attention.

2. Fullscreen welcome mat can be used to showcase new offers

A full-screen welcome mat is like a popup option that appears on the entire screen and draws visitors’ attention to the offers or products you wanted to display. This practice increases the conversion to a significant level.

Creating a full-screen welcome mat is easy and it is an impeccable method to engage users. You can set specific display rules and triggers so that it will show the offers and products to the right people at the correct time.

Fullscreen welcome mats improve UX because it helps you to only display personalized offers to visitors and users who are most likely to be interested in your products and offers.

3. Ecommerce site navigation must be easy

Think once, if you are in a store and there is no clear information about products and their price, or if there is an excessive information that leaves you in confusion; what will be your response?

Likewise, the visitors come to your ecommerce store for some specific products or services, and they need to experience with simple and logical navigation to get what they want.

To keep navigation user-friendly, products must be categorized properly, a quick search option is mandatory, labels should be easy-to-understand, bottom and header menus should be bold and bigger, etc. Highlight the Call-to-action in a proper way.

A messy website with too much use of colors and no CTAs (or invisible CTAs) losses in conversions and sales.

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4. Ecommerce website speed is another facet to focus on

Ecommerce UX Best Practices

If you are avoiding ecommerce site speed or if you haven’t checked it for its page experience, review it and work on improving the site speed. Because it is one factor that badly harms conversion and sales.

If an ecommerce website takes more than 3 seconds to load in this immensely competitive era, that website has already lost a profound number of potential customers. People choose speed over slow-working websites.

Google Page Speed Insights help you to know the exact loading time of your website and using that you can improve the ecommerce site speed. To improve the site speed, you must optimize the website and compress all the data (images, videos, and JavaScript, CSS files), use caching method, code minification to remove unwanted HTML, CSS from your webpage, reduce redirects, take out broken links, remove unnecessary plugins, use CDN and reliable web hosting service. These are a few best practices that surely improve an ecommerce website’s loading speed.

5. Exit intent popups improve conversions

You must use exit intent popup tools to detect when a user is about to leave the site and that is the time a popup appears on their screen to grab their attention. This popup can have some offer or invite to chat with representatives, or it may have the promotion of your best-selling products, it is up to you how you wish to entice your users.

Many users like such popups because they get personalized offers on the products they are looking for. Thus, it ultimately improves UX and sales.

6. Avoid putting elements on the site that distract users

You want a top-notch design for your ecommerce website and for that reason, you stuff the website with some elements that not only distract your users but also harm the website’s performance. For example, automatic sliders, transparent buttons, video backgrounds, parallax scrolling, etc.

If these elements are carried out poorly, they slow down the website, harm UX, and hamper SEO as well. Thus, better not to put such elements for the betterment of your ecommerce website.

7. Geo-location targeting works well

To offer personalized solutions, many ecommerce owners use geo-location targeting to provide location-specific offers. If you are operating in overseas markets, geo-targeting helps you segment offers by climate and culture. It also assists you to generate language-specific offers.

Different geo-location targeting tools have a distinct set of rules; however, they are easy to set up and use. Once you set it up then you can segment the audience as per their location and interest and improve your ecommerce site’s overall UX.

8. Easy checkout is a must

Ecommerce UX Best Practices

Do you know, what is the key cause of cart abandonment? The lengthy and clumsy checkout process is the prominent reason behind this severe issue. Therefore, optimizing checkout process keeps shoppers moving toward the completion of their purchase.

You can provide a one-page checkout process, which makes shopping faster. Keep the checkout process simple and only ask most important information. Don’t restrict users with limited payment options, add as many payment gateways as you can. Moreover, allow users to checkout as guests as well. These are a few tips that will surely help you get-rid-of cart abandonment and will improve conversion.

9. Informative product listing page is an advantage

Product listing pages must have a correct price, high-quality images, availability of the products, breadcrumbs for easy navigation, and product options (size and colour). A properly created page improves the UX and SEO as well.

People and search engines both can understand your content clearly and user-friendly, content-rich pages always rank higher.

10. Include reviews on product pages

Customer reviews are one of the strongest weapons to convert visitors into buyers. Reviews not only say about products, but they also let other users know about your post-sales services. Customer reviews generate trust in your products for new potential customers.

Let it be original! Don’t only post positive reviews. You cannot please everyone, but this mix of reviews improves conversion and sales of your ecommerce website.

11. Mobile-friendly UX is mandatory

Ecommerce UX Best Practices

You must know that major traffic is coming from mobiles. Therefore, to create an ecommerce website using responsive templates is not enough. You must work on its UX.

Mobile screens need more scrolling than desktops. Also, using mobile is an altogether different experience. Thus, make sure to check all these and many other points to give your ecommerce website a mobile-friendly UX. It is crucial for higher conversion and sales.

Wrapping up

Ecommerce business is meant for people and to please people, it needs to accord them an unforgettable experience. Improving UX is beneficial for a site in every aspect of the business.

Thereby, improving your ecommerce site’s UX using the above-mentioned best practices uplift the sales and revenue of your business.

Whether you require custom ecommerce development, ecommerce design, ADA compliant ecommerce design, ecommerce migration, application integration, ecommerce upgrades, redesigning of ecommerce store, ecommerce maintenance, support, ecommerce SEO or ecommerce digital marketing, you are at the right place. Skynet Technologies is SEMrush agency partner who help you to increase your ecommerce website sales with blend of SEO and UX best practice. Get in touch with us by submitting following form or email us at [email protected] for more information.