Top Reasons Why Email Marketing Newsletters Should be a Part of Digital Marketing Service!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Email Marketing Newsletter

Which digital marketing strategy do you leverage for the highest conversions? Cheers if your answer is email marketing! Did you implement newsletters in your email marketing vanity? No? Right here, you are slipping out on high-yielding opportunities!

Wooing a massive 3.8 billion email users seems like nailing jelly to a tree. However, email marketing strategies, having a whopping return of 42 USD against a 1 USD investment, simplify the work for you to an extent. Furthermore, you can add feathers to your marketing campaign with email newsletters that boast 21.33% of the average opening rate. Interestingly, as high as 31% of businesses claim newsletters to be the luckiest card in digital marketing.

Wait! Aren't you convinced of email newsletter benefits yet? Don't worry! Below are a few compelling reasons why you should use a newsletter strategy in your email marketing campaign. But before heading further, let's clear out what's a newsletter, after all.

Email Marketing Newsletter - What’s That?

Email newsletters are the perfect ways to inform your audience about product launches and the latest happenings in your company. With a cycled digest, your newsletter entails several news articles having catchy headlines to compel the recipients to click-through and visit your website. What do you get? Humongous web traffic, simple!

Besides, you can leverage a newsletter to announce new arrivals or season-specific sales in your ecommerce venture and generate rapid conversions - that's the best newsletter utility for your marketing campaign. Some brands send privilege coupons to newsletter subscribers and reward them for loyalty. All in all, newsletters have become a staple to companies seeking higher customer engagement and sales.

You already know what's an email newsletter. Now, let's convince you of its importance in commercial digital marketing tactics.

Why Should You Include Email Marketing Newsletters in Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

So, why should you consider email newsletters? Is it just because they are in vogue? Hell no! Despite being trendy, email newsletters can kickstart your journey of churning immense revenue from digital marketing. Let’s take a deep dive and understand the necessity of email newsletters in your business.

  • Remind Customers About Your Existence

    Believe it or not, 90% of your consumers prefer obtaining newsletters to learn more about your company. Do you know the reason behind such a majority? It’s the lack of time. Consumers don’t have enough leisure to browse through your website and come across intriguing offerings on their own. It gets more adverse when your audience forgets about your existence!

    Thankfully, newsletters can help you recover from such an existential crisis! With repetitive communications regarding product announcements and sales via newsletters, you can keep a massive audience chunk engaged in your business for the longest time.

  • Convert More with Newsletters

    Let's recite a clear fact that the higher the click-through rates, the better the conversions. Newsletters hold a record 17.8% click-through rate. Woah, that’s some eye-boggling statistics! Understandably, such a high rate drives more conversions for your brand effortlessly. Integrate all mesmerizing ingredients to your newsletter recipe and send them to your mailing list if you wish to grab all lucrative sales opportunities in your business.

  • Sow Personalization, Reap Customer Engagement

    Did you know that personalized email drives can save 77% of subscribers from getting dissatisfied? Yes, you read it right! Personalization retains your customers as it echoes that your company caters to individual tastes. Additionally, you can incorporate newsletters to skyrocket personalization to all-new levels.

    You can regularly send personalized newsletters to educate your customers with offers on products they like. Also, your business can update the clientele when new offerings having similarities with already purchased products hit your company. Now, all that remains is registering tremendous engagement from your consumers with well-tailored newsletter tactics.

  • Invest in Email Newsletters, Strengthen Social Media Engagements

    If you perceive newsletters as a medium of conversions only, rethink! Newsletters are much beyond sales drivers. They can level your parallel marketing efforts like the social media campaigns.

    Strike a conversation with your customers by inboxing some newsletters initially. Now, compel them enough with your engaging and relevant content. You can also embed straightforward call-to-actions that encourage them to visit your social media handles. That's it! Once your customers reach out to your social accounts, they are more likely to engage with your business through meaningful communications.

  • Compel Your Existing Consumers for More Shopping

    Did you know that you can ask your existing customers to re-invest in your business? Digital marketing efforts are not limited to acquiring new leads but digging sales through the already-built clientele. But how to do so? Well, newsletters are the ultimate weapons that enable recycling your existing prospects.

    Analyze the most preferred services for your customers and frame irresistible newsletters around similar lines. Most of your consumers will get back to your business and take away more offerings in the blink of an eye.

  • Identify Close-to-Sales Leads

    You wouldn't deny the utility served by plugins across various niches, would you? Similarly, some add-ons exist to expand the use of email newsletters. Guess what? You can implement extensions to your newsletters and track customer engagements more closely than ever.

    Such plugins let you spot subscribers having the highest opening rate, the ones who act upon your CTAs, and also those who visit your website or social media accounts to inquire about your business. Impressive, right? With so much information in hand, you can extract the leads having more probability to cross your sales funnel than others.

Phew! That was an adventurous ride, wasn't it? Congrats to have gained so many insights about email newsletters! Now, it’s high time to take some action. Get over legacy marketing hacks and resort towards what’s working the most in your industry, that is, email newsletters. Frame an efficient blueprint and restructure your email marketing strategy by including profitable newsletters at the earliest.

Remember that your competitors already implement email newsletters in their campaigns. Snatch away their competitive advantage by bringing email marketing newsletters to your business today!