E tshepša ke Dikhamphani tše di Eteletšego Pele

barons market logo
wildlife wonders logo
beauty prophet logo
technotronix logo
magowans infinite mirror maze logo
tomtoc logo
africaimports logo
irwd logo
moon arrow logo
puw logo
os1st logo
antique archaeology logo
bird rock coffee roasters logo
sodabar logo
luvente logo
alley pond logo
st jacob logo
estrellamedia inv logo
omnilux logo
dris logo
neffs national bank logo
the boil logo
army navy logo
gotvape logo
ctpub logo
starwest botanicals logo
auralex logo
bourbon gold logo
new moon beginnings logo
studio e fabrics logo
debby burk optical logo
kyura men logo
queensland logo
yutsai logo
t c eggingtons logo
city theatre trans logo

Widget ya Phihlelelo ya Wepesaete ye e Bonolo go e Šomiša

The All in One Accessibility® ke sedirišwa sa phihlelelo seo se theilwego go AI seo se thušago mekgatlo go godiša phihlelelo le go šomišega ga diwepesaete ka pela. E hwetšagala ka dikarolo tše 70 plus, le e hwetšagala ka maano a go fapana go ya ka bogolo le dipono tša matlakala tša weposaete. E godiša weposaete ya WCAG kobamelo go fihla go 40%. segokanyimmediamentsi sa sebolokigolo ena dumella basebedisi ba ho khetha litšobotsi phihlello e le ka bona dinyakwa le go bala diteng.

2-Metsotso tlhomamiso

All in One Accessibility® widget e ka se tšee metsotso e fetago e 2 go kgontšha mo wepesaeteng ya gago!

Dikaonafatšo tša phihlelelo ya weposaete tšeo di hlohleleditšwego ke modiriši

Widget ya rena ya phihlelelo ya weposaete e agilwe go kaonafatša phihlelelo go fihla go 40% bjalo ka WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.0. le 2.2 ditlhahlo.

Kgontšhišo ya phihlelelo ya mafelo a mantši / mmaraka

All in One Accessibility® e thekgwa ka diwepesaete tša mafelo a mantši goba tša mmaraka le didomain tše nnyane ka leano la kgwebo goba leano le le arogilego la domain ye nngwe le ye nngwe le domain ye nnyane.

Match le websaete ya gago’s look and feel

Tlwaetša mmala wa widget, mohuta wa leswao, bogolo bja leswao, maemo, le polelo ya phihlelelo ya tlwaelo go ya ka ponagalo le maikutlo a weposaete ya gago.

Boitemogelo bjo bokaone bja mosediriši = SEO ye kaone

Diwepesaete tše di fihlelelwago di fa maitemogelo a magolo a mosediriši ao a lebišago go seelo se se phagamego sa go tsenela mo lefelong. Ye ke taba ya bohlokwa kudu yeo dientšene tša go nyaka di e ela hloko ge di beakanya diwepesaete.

Phihlelelo ya weposaete ya batho bao ba golofetšego

E ka kaonafatša phihlelelo ya weposaete ya gago go batho bao ba foufetšego, bao ba sa kwego goba ba sa bone gabotse, . motor o senyegile, mmala o foufetše, dyslexia, temogo & go ithuta go senyegelwa, go thothomela le sethoathoa, le Mathata a ADHD.

Oketša sebaka sa go fihlelela batheetši ba bantši

Go na le batho ba bagolo ba ka bago dimilione tše dikete tše 1,3 bao ba phelago ka bogole lefaseng ka bophara. Ka thušo ya... websaete phihlello widget, diteng websaeteng ka fihlellwa har'a bamameli ka bophara.

Ditlaleletšo tša Dashboard & Dikaonafatšo

All in One Accessibility® e fana ka ditlaleletšo bjalo ka tirelo go akaretšwa Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya ka Seatla, . Tokiso ya Phihlelelo ya Puku, Tokiso ya Phihlelelo ya PDF/Tokomane, Pego ya VPAT/Phihlelelo Pego ya Tumelelano(ACR), Leina le Lešweu le Letshwao la Tlwaelo, Diphetolelo tša Wepesaete ye e Phelago, Fetoša Menu ya Phihlelelo, Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya Moralo, Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya Tirišo ya Sellathekeng ya Setlogo, Web App-SPA Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo, Sehlopha sa Widget ya Phihlelelo, . All in One Accessibility Hlokomela ditlaleletšo, le dikaonafatšo.

Kaonafatša go akaretšwa ga inthanete

E kgontšha dikgwebo go tšea karolo maitekong a lefase ka bophara a go kaonafatša go akaretšwa ga inthanete.

All in One Accessibility® Theko ya go beakanya

Merero ka moka e akaretša: 70+ dikarolo, 140+ maleme a thekgwa

The Key Features

Enhancing your website accessibility while offering a user experience is simpler than you may think.
Leverage the suite of All in One Accessibility's automated solutions to expedite the process without sacrificing quality.

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

9 Accessibility profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Our widget improves accessibility and by using our add-ons and custom website accessibility remediation service, one can achieve the desired compliance level.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Accessibility Improvements Solution

Screen Reader

The screen reader feature converts on-screen text to speech, enabling blind users to navigate and interact with digital content. It provides auditory feedback for all text and interactive elements, enhancing web accessibility.

Supported Languages | Keyboard Shortcuts

screen reader

Voice Navigation

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing.

Supported Languages | Supported Commands

voice navigation

Talk & Type

Talk & Type accessibility feature empowers users to fill forms effortlessly using their voice. Say farewell to typing struggles and hello to seamless form completion with intuitive speech recognition technology. With Talk & Type, accessibility is at the forefront, ensuring everyone can navigate forms with ease, regardless of disability or typing limitations.

Supported Languages

talk & type

Libras (Brazilian Portuguese only)

Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) is the official sign language of Brazil for government services and deaf education. The Libras Sign language is used for hand and arm movements, facial expressions, and body positions to convey meaning. The feature is available only for the Portuguese language.


140+ Supported Languages

Select your preferred language from 140+ available languages or keep the default «auto detect» for your accessibility widget.

140+ available languages

9 Accessibility Profiles

9 Accessibility Profiles in All in One Accessibility are pre-configured settings designed to enhance website usability for individuals with various disabilities like blind, elderly, motor impaired, visually impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive and learning, seizure & epileptic, and ADHD.

9 Accessibility Profiles

Image Alt Text Remediation

It provides a list of recommended alt text based on AI, remediated image alt text list, decorative images from where you add missing alternate text and update them as per requirement.

Image Alt Text Remediation

Smart Language and Voice Customization

The following features aim to enhance accessibility for multilingual and visually impaired users.

  • Auto-detect Language automatically identifies browser language and adjusts the widget language.
  • Set Default Language allows users to predefine the language for All in One Accessibility widget.
  • Select Screen Reader Voice offers a selection of variety of tones, accents and speech styles to match screen reader voice preferences.
smart language and voice customization

Virtual Keyboard

All in One Accessibility® provides an on-screen virtual keyboard to eliminate the need for physical keys. A virtual keyboard ensures an alternative input mechanism for users with disabilities.

Supported Languages

virtual keyboard

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Using the dashboard, you can modify the accessibility statement by providing a custom page link to the "Accessibility statement" button on the widget.

Custom Accessibility Statement Link

Accessibility Add-Ons

All in One Accessibility® add-ons include Manual Accessibility Audit, Manual Accessibility Remediation, PDF/Document Accessibility Remediation, VPAT Report/Accessibility Conformance Report(ACR), White Label and Custom Branding, Live Website Translations, Modify Accessibility Menu, Design Accessibility Audit, Native Mobile App Accessibility Audit, Web App-SPA Accessibility Audit.

Accessibility Add-Ons

Customize widget colors

The customizable widget color setting allows users to adjust its colors to align with their brand identity, ensuring visual consistency across digital interfaces. This enhances user experience by integrating seamlessly with the existing design aesthetic.

Customize widget colors

Custom Mobile/Desktop Icon Size

Select widget icon size for your website according to your preference for desktop and mobile.

Custom Widget Size

Custom Widget Position

Select widget position for your website according to your preference.

Customize widget colors

Custom Widget Icon

Select accessibility widget icon for your website from 29 available options

Customize widget colors

Color & Contrast Adjustments

It adjusts website color schemes and contrast levels to improve readability for users with visual impairments. This customization ensures that text and interface elements are distinguishable, enhancing the overall user experience.

Color & Contrast Adjustments

Na sebaka sa gago se kotsing ya molato?

Skena ya ka pela le ya mahala e tla go bontšha ditlolo tšeo di ka go tlogelago o bulegile melatong.

All in One Accessibility e fana ka 70 + Features!

Sebadi sa Skrine
  • Bala Letlakala
  • Mask ya go Bala
  • Mokgwa wa go Bala
  • Tlhahlo ya go Bala
Tlola dikgokagano
  • Tlolela go Menu
  • Tlolela go Diteng
  • Tlolela go Footer
  • Bula Baradidirišwa ya Phihlelelo
Dipeakanyo tša Diteng
  • Go Lekanya Diteng
  • Fonte ya Dyslexia
  • Difonte tše di balwago
  • Gatelela Sehlogo
  • Hlaola Dikgokagano
  • Segodiši sa Sengwalwa
  • Beakanya Bogolo bja Fonte
  • Beakanya Bophagamo bja Mola
  • Beakanya Sekgoba sa Ditlhaka
  • Logaganya Setsi
  • Lokantšha ka go Le letshadi
  • Logaganya ka go le letona
Dipeakanyo tša Mmala le Phapano
  • Phapano e Phahameng
  • Phapano ya Bohlale
  • Phapano ya Lefsifsi
  • Mmala o tee
  • Phapano ya Seetša
  • Saturation e Phahameng
  • Saturation ya Tlase
  • Fetola Mebala
  • Beakanya Mmala wa Sengwalwa
  • Beakanya Mmala wa Thaetlele
  • Beakanya Mmala wa Lemorago
Ba bangwe/Misc
  • Bolela & Mohuta
  • Go Sepelasepela ka Lentšu
  • Maleme a mantši (140+ Maleme) .
  • Libras (Sepotokisi sa Brazil feela) .
  • Setatamente sa Phihlelelo
  • Pukuntšu
  • Keyboard ya Virtual
  • Pata Segokaganyi
  • Lemoga Polelo ka Bowena
Dipeakanyo tša Tlhahlo
  • Medumo ya Semumu
  • Pata Diswantšho
  • Emiša Ditshwantšho tša Dipopaye
  • Hlaola Hover
  • Gatelela Nepišo
  • Sešupanako se Segolo se se Ntsho
  • Sešupanako se Segolo se Sešweu
  • Sefa Diteng
Bofofu bja Mmala
  • Protanomaly ya go swana le yona,
  • Deuteranomaly ya go swana le yona
  • Tritanomaly ya go swana le yona
  • Protanopia ya go swana le
  • Deuteranopia ya go swana le
  • Tritanopia ya go swana le
  • Achromatomaly ya go swana le yona
  • Achromatopsia ya go swana le yona
Ditlaleletšo tše di Lefilwego tša Boikgethelo
  • Pego ya Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya ka Seatla
  • Tokiso ya Phihlelelo ya Seatla
  • Tokiso ya Phihlelelo ya PDF/Tokomane
  • Pego ya VPAT/Pego ya Tumelelano ya Phihlelelo(ACR) .
  • White Label le Tlwaelo Branding
  • Diphetolelo tša Wepesaete ye e Phelago
  • Fetoša Menu ya Phihlelelo
  • Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya Moralo
  • Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo ya Tirišo ya Sellathekeng ya Setlogo
  • Web App-SPA Tlhahlobo ya Phihlelelo
Dashboard ya
  • Maduo a Phihlelelo
  • AI-thehiloeng Automated Image Alt Sengwalwa Tokiso
  • Manual Image Alt Sengwalwa Tokiso ka Mong wa Wepesaete
  • Pego ya Kobamelo ya Phihlelelo ye e Itirišago
  • Beakanya Bogolo bja Widget
  • Mebala ya Widget ya Tlwaelo
  • Boemo bja Widget bjo bo Nepagetšego
  • Bogolo bja Letshwao la Widget ye e Nepagetšego ya Desktop
  • Bogolo bja Letshwao la Widget ye e Nepagetšego bakeng sa Sellathekeng
  • 29 Mehuta ya Leswao la Phihlelelo ye e Fapanego
  • Beakanya Polelo ya Tlwaelo
  • Kgetha Lentšu la Mmadi wa Skrine
Diprofaele tša Phihlelelo
  • Foufala
  • Motor o senyegile
  • Bao ba sa Ponego gabotse
  • Sefofu sa Mmala
  • Dyslexia ya go bala
  • Monagano & Go ithuta
  • Golega & Sethoathoa
  • ADHD
  • Batšofe
Go Latela Ditshekatsheko
  • Go Latela Ditshekatsheko tša Google
  • Adobe Analytics Latela

Na o nyaka tharollo ya phihlelelo ya wepe ya ADA ya kgwebo goba tokiso ya phihlelelo ya seatla?

Kgopelo a Setsopolwa

O se tshwenyege ka website’s ya gago
tšhireletšo le sephiri sa mosebedisi

Re khamphani ya ISO 9001:2015 le 27001:2013. Bjalo ka leloko la W3C le Mokgatlo wa Boditšhabatšhaba ya Ditsebi tša Phihlelelo (IAAP), re diriša mekgwa le maemo a mabotse a intasteri bakeng sa bobedi – tšhireletšo ya weposaete le sephiri sa badiriši.

Dihlatse tša Bohlatse
Here’s what bareki ba rena ba nagana!

App e phetha morero wa yona gabotse gomme e na le phihlelelo ka moka yeo motho a bego a tla e hloka. Lega go le bjalo, moo e be e le phošo e tee e nyenyane yeo sehlopha se bego se tloga se akgofela go arabela le go se rarolla.

peelaway thumbnail
peelaway thumbnail

App e babatsehang! E kgolo bakeng sa mabenkele ka moka a bogolo. Bonolo go tsenya. Ke be ke nyaka selo seo se neago kobamelo ya lefase ka bophara ka theko ye e kwagalago bakeng sa mabenkele a magolo. E fihlelela dinyakwa tša ka ka moka.

omnilux thumbnail
omnilux thumbnail

All in One Accessibility® e bile e kgolo. Ba ile ba thuša kudu ge ke be ke e-na le yona dipotšišo mabapi le go hloma tirišo. Ba ile ba nthomela imeile ba kgonthišetša gore ke be ke le ka mo go feletšego kgotsofetše.

ambiance thumbnail
ambiance thumbnail

Ba na le dikarabo tše kgolo tša tirelo ya bareki ka pela ba tloga ba e ratile ke a leboga

tapsplus thumbnail
tapsplus thumbnail

Mi web es una empresa de selección de personal digital, HUMANA selección de personal, y necesitaba que fuera accesible para cualquier candidato o empresa. La app All in One Accesibility cumple perfectamente...

humana thumbnail
Humana Selección de Personal
humana thumbnail

Kaonafatša Leeto la Phihlelelo ya Wepesaete ka All in One Accessibility®!

Maphelo a rena a ralala inthaneteng bjale. Dithuto, ditaba, dijo, panka, le whatnot, ka moka dinyakwa tše dinyenyane le tše dikgolo di phethagatšwa ka Inthanete. Lega go le bjalo, go na le batho ba bantši kudu ka bogole bjo bongwe bja mmele bjo bo ba šitišago le go dula ba amogilwe ditirelo tše tše bohlokwa le tshedimošo. Ka All in One Accessibility®, re tliša mokgwa wa go kaonafatša weposaete phihlelelo ya diteng gare ga batho bao ba golofetšego.

Thomiša Teko ya Mahala

How to purchase All in One Accessibility®

Ke tlhokego efe ya phihlelelo ya wepe?

Phihlelelo ya wepe ke tlamo ya molao yeo e hlohleleditšwego ke mebušo ka moka go akaretšwa USA, Canada, UK, . European Union, Australia, Isiraele, Brazil le dinaga tše dingwe. Go feta moo, ke boitshwaro go ba le yona diwepesaete tše di fihlelelwago e le gore bontši bja badiriši ba kgone go bala wepe ntle le bothata le ge e le bofe. Melao e mentši ya morago bjale e na le e fetišitšwe ke mebušo ye e fapanego go hlola wepe ye e akaretšago bohle gomme balaodi ba fetogile ba thata go feta le ge e le neng pele. Ka gona, go phema melato le go dira mošomo o lokilego boitshwarong, go dumelelana le go fihlelelwa ke bohlokwa.

Dipotšišo tše di botšišwago gantši

Ee, Re fana ka theolelo ya 10% bakeng sa mekgatlo yeo e sa dirego poelo ya Karolo ya 501(c)(3). Diriša setlankana khoutu ya NGO10 ka nako ya go hlahloba. Otlolla seatla [email protected] ya tshedimošo e oketšegilego.

Ka teko ya mahala, o be o tla fihlelela dikarolo ka moka.

Ee, ge e ba leleme la go se fetoge la weposaete ya gago e le sepaniši, ka go ikemela voice over e ka gare leleme la sepaniši!

O swanetše go reka e ka ba leano la kgwebo goba leano la weposaete ye ntši bakeng sa didomain tše nnyane / didomene. Ka go fapana le moo, o ka reka leano la motho ka o tee ka o tee le le arogilego bakeng sa domain ye nngwe le ye nngwe le sub domain name.

Re fana ka thekgo ya ka pela. Ke kgopela le otlolle seatla [email protected].

Ee, E akaretša Polelo ya Diatla ya Brazil - Libras.

Live Site Translation tlaleletšo e fetolela weposaete ka maleme a 140+ gomme e dira e fihlelelwago bakeng sa bao e sego baboledi ba seisemane ba setlogo, batho bao ba nago le go hwetša polelo mathata, le batho bao ba nago le bogole bja go ithuta.

Go na le maano a mararo ao a theilwego godimo ga matlakala a # weposaete:

  • Matlakala a ka bago 200: $ 50 / Kgwedi.
  • Matlakala a ka bago 1000: $ 200 / Kgwedi.
  • Matlakala a ka bago 2000: $ 350 / Kgwedi.

Ee, Go tšwa go dashboard, ka fase ga dipeakanyo tša widget, o ka fetoša phihlelelo ya tlwaelo URL ya letlakala la polelo.

Ee, AI setšoantšo alt-sengwalwa remediation ka tsela e iketsang lokisa litšoantšo le alternately mong wa weposaete a ka fetola / oketša seswantšho se sengwe-sengwalwa go tšwa go All in One Accessibility® Dashboard ya

E kaonafatša phihlelelo ya weposaete gare ga batho bao ba foufetšego, bao ba kwago goba ba bonago go senyegelwa, go senyegelwa ke entšene, sefofu sa mmala, dyslexia, temogo & go se kgone go ithuta, . go thothomela le sethoathoa, le mathata a ADHD.

Aowa, All in One Accessibility® ga e kgoboketše selo le ge e le sefe seo se hlaolago motho tshedimošo goba datha ya boitshwaro go tšwa go diwepesaete goba baeti. Bona ya rena pholisi ya sephiri mo.

All in One Accessibility akaretša AI seswantšho alt sengwalwa go lokiša go thuša ka pono go senyegelwa ke go hlaola selo, le sengwalwa se se theilwego go AI go mmadi wa skrine sa polelo bakeng sa motho ka mong le pono tlaase.

The All in One Accessibility sethaleng pele mosebedisi sephiri le ya data tšireletso. Sona e kgomarela ditlhahlo tše thata tša sephiri, e thwala go šitiša le go se tsebje dithekniki tša go šireletša tshedimošo ya motho ka noši ya badiriši. Badiriši ba na le taolo godimo ga bona ya data le ka kgetha-ka kapa kgetha-tsoa ya data pokello le tshebetso e le ka bona dikgetho.

Aowa, Domain ye nngwe le ye nngwe le subdomain di nyaka go reka laesense ye e aroganego. Gomme le wena o ka kgona reka laesense ya domain ye ntši go tšwa go leano la mafelo a mantši.

Ee, re neela All in One Accessibility Lenaneo la Selekane moo o ka hwetšago dikhomišene tša thekišo e dirilwego ka kgokagano ya go fetišetša. Ke sebaka se segolo sa go tšwetša pele phihlelelo ditharollo le go hwetša. Saena go tšwa go mo.

The All in One Accessibility sethaleng molekane lenaneo ke bakeng sa CMS, CRM, diforamo LMS, . diforamo tša ecommerce, le baagi ba diwepesaete bao ba nyakago go kopanya All in One Widget ya phihlelelo bjalo ka tšobotsi ye e agetšwego ka gare ya badiriši.

Ee, E šoma le dikgopelo tša PWA go sa šetšwe gore e agilwe go React js, Vue js, goba Khutlo js.

Sebopego sa Lemoga Polelo ka Bowena se hlaola polelo ya sephephediši le ka go iketla e beakanya All in One Accessibility widget polelo, le dikarolo joaloka sebadi sa skrine go swana le yona. E dira gore sebaka se be le bogwera bja mosediriši bakeng sa maleme a mantši batheeletši.

Ee, o ka kgetha go tšwa go mohuta wa dikgetho tša lentšu go ya ka segalo sa lona, ​​segalo sa yona le mokgwa wa polelo, go dira gore boitemogelo bja yona bo be bja motho ka noši le go nepišwa go batheetši.

Ga go na peakanyo ye e agetšwego ka gare go uta sedirišwa sa go phaphamala. Ge o šetše o rekile, . bakeng sa phaphametseng widget mahala tlwaetso, fihlella [email protected].

Ee, E le gore o tloše go swaya ga Skynet Technologies, ka botho reka White Label tlaleletšo go tšwa go dashboard.

Ee, re fana ka theolelo ya 10% bakeng sa diwepesaete tše fetago tše 5. Otlolla seatla [email protected]

Tshepedišo ya go hloma e batla e otlologile-pele, e be e tla no tšea metsotso e ka bago e 2. Rena ba le kgato bohlale tataiso tataiso le divideo le ntse haeba ho hlokahala, finyella bakeng sa tlhomamiso / kopanyo thuso.

Go tloga ka Phupu 2024, . All in One Accessibility® tiriso ye e hwetšagala ka diforamo tše 47 eupša e thekga Diforamo dife goba dife tša CMS, LMS, CRM, le Ecommerce.

Ee, re ka go thuša ka PDF le ditokomane phihlelelo tokiso, Fihlelela [email protected] ya tsopola goba tshedimošo ye nngwe.

Ee, go na le tlaleletšo ya "Fetoša Menu ya Phihlelelo". O ka laela gape, wa tloša, le rulaganya leswa dikonope tša widget gore di swane le phihlelelo ye e itšego ya badiriši ba weposaete dinyakwa.

Hlahloba Tsebo Motheo le All in One Accessibility® Tlhahlo ya Dikarolo. Ge e le gore tshedimošo efe goba efe ya tlaleletšo ke go nyakega ke moka o fihlelele [email protected].

  • Super ditjeo-atlehang
  • 2 Metsotso tlhomamiso
  • 140+ E thekgwa maleme a mantši
  • Bontši bja go hwetšagala ga tirišo ya kopanyo ya sefala
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